Finally Heard

By Kelly Yang

Hardcover edition

Publisher Simon & Schuster Imprint Simon & Schuster BFYR ISBN


Finally Heard

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Discrimination: Racial Insensitivity/Racism

From the New York Times bestselling author of Front Desk comes the sequel to Finally Seen in which Lina gets a phone and tries to navigate social media, only to discover not everything online is what it seems.

When ten-year-old Lina Gao sees her mom’s video on social media take off, she’s captivated by the potential to be seen and heard! Maybe online she can finally find the confidence she craves. Whereas in real life she’s growing so fast, she feels like microwave popcorn, bursting out of her skin!

With the help of her two best friends, Carla and Finn, and her little sister, Millie, Lina sets off to go viral. Except there’s a lot more to social media than Lina ever imagined, like:

1. Seeing inside her classmates’ lives! Is she really the only person on the planet who doesn’t have a walk-in closet?

2. Group chats! Disappearing videos! What is everyone talking about in the secret chats? And how can she join?

3. A bazillion stories about what to eat, wear, and put on her face. Could they all be telling the truth? Everyone sounds so sure of what they’re saying!

As Lina descends deeper and deeper into social media, it will take all her strength to break free from the likes and find the courage to be her authentic self in this fast-paced world.

Author's note. "Essential Research on Social Media and Kids," with bibliography.
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