The First Invasion: Power Button

Series Power Button By Zack Soto

Library edition

Publisher Lerner Imprint Graphic Universe ISBN


The First Invasion: Power Button

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Truly's parents are arguing all the time, so they've dropped her off with her aunt and uncle. Her cousin Kaz has a big imagination but he's not the best at making friends. Maximo Skulldigg gets bullied by his older brother--and now he has to conquer Kaz and Truly's home planet. It's a good thing Kaz and Truly just uncovered a family secret. After the cousins find a hideout full of strange treasures near Kaz's house, they slip on wristbands that summon a space knight named Trinn Cyclo. Soon, he may be Earth's only hope

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Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

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