The Queen of Thieves

Series The Moonwind Mysteries By Johan Rundberg

Hardcover edition

Publisher Amazon Publishing Imprint Amazon Crossing Kids ISBN


The Queen of Thieves

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Discrimination: Ableism,Violence: General

Mika will do what it takes to uncover a string of thefts in the city—and keep her fellow orphans safe.

After a merciless winter, spring has sprung in 1880 Stockholm, and the city awaits the arrival of the SS Vega, the first ship to have sailed the Northeast Passage. Life is busy at the orphanage, but twelve-year-old Mika quickly notices that the older orphans are up to something—and it doesn’t look good.

When Constable Hoff approaches her with information about thefts around the city, Mika becomes even more concerned about what the other kids are up to—and what they might be planning for the Vega celebration. The police will have no sympathy for orphans, and she’d hate to see her friends condemned to life in jail.

But Mika soon finds herself in a bind she can’t get out of—one that could condemn her own life. Can Mika uncover who is really behind the thefts in the city and keep her friends safe, without getting caught? Find out in this breathless sequel to The Night Raven.

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Mystery Middle Plus (Grades 5-8)

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Other books in the series
  1. The Night Raven
    The Night Raven

    By Johan Rundberg

    Mystery Middle Plus

    November 2023


    Language: Grotesque/Disturbing Imagery,Language: Mild Language,Violence: General
