A Friend for Eddy

Written and illustrated by Ann Kim Ha

Hardcover edition

Publisher HarperCollins Imprint Greenwillow Bks. ISBN


A Friend for Eddy

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When Eddy the goldfish takes a leap of faith to be closer to his new friends, his perspective of the world widens in unexpected ways. A funny story about building empathy and making connections, for fans of LeUyen Pham, Dan Santat, Laura Vaccaro Seeger, and Michael Hall.

Eddy is a lonely goldfish stuck inside his fishbowl. He would love to have a friend to swim and play and blow bubbles with. Soon, on the other side of the glass, he spies not one, but two new friends! After days of playing games together, Eddy leaps out of his bowl to be closer to his them. And that’s when he realizes his two friends are really the eyes of A CAT! Oh, no! Luckily for Eddy, friendship can be found in unexpected places.

A Friend for Eddy is funny and suspenseful, and observant readers will delight in seeing Eddy’s mistake before he does. Ann Kim Ha’s clever, bold illustrations will hold the attention of the youngest readers. A wonderful option for storytime sharing.

Full-color illustrations.
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