Are We There Yet?

By David Levithan
Publisher Knopf Imprint Knopf ISBN


Are We There Yet?

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Brothers Elijah and Danny, once close, have grown apart. Danny is a young star at a New York advertising agency and has direction and focus. Elijah, about to finish high school, would rather enjoy life and is in no hurry to find out what comes next. What will they do when their parents trick them into taking a vacation together?
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Young Adults (Grades 9 & Up)

Young Adults

Young Adults (Grades 9 & Up)

For Grades 9 & Up

Your older teen readers will appreciate the 12 selections in this category, a diverse mix of fiction and nonfiction covering complex issues and more mature content, from crushes and body changes to friendships and sibling rivalry.

12 books per Year
$243.96 per Year

Diversity, Fiction, Mature Readers, LGBTQ+, Novels, Funny/Humorous, Realistic Fiction

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