Battle for the Ballot: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of American Women's Right to Vote

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On June 4, 1919, the 66th US congress passed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which would give American women the legal right to vote (although social pressures and local laws denied women of color the franchise for several decades more). However, the historic moment was only a steppingstone from the rocky, 152-year battle for the ballot to a 14-month journey for the Amendment’s ratification.
By mid-August 1920, 35 of the 36 necessary states had ratified the 19th Amendment. The morning of August 18, Tennessee governor Albert H. Roberts called the state legislature into special session to consider ratification. At 24-years old, the legislature’s youngest member, Harry Burn, showed up to work that day with a red anti-suffrage rose pinned to his lapel. Preliminary votes throughout the morning brought the expected tally to a tie: 48 to 48. It looked like suffrage would not pass in Tennessee.
After an hour of arguing, the Speaker forced a vote. Names were called in alphabetical order. Burn was 7th on the list. So far, everyone voted as they had earlier that day. But Burn grew nervous sitting in the stuffy room. He knew that it could all come down to a single man, a single vote, a single question: yes or no? So, when the clerk called his name, Burn shocked his peers. He voted yes. The final tally was 47 to 49. The all-male Tennessee legislature had changed US history forever and granted women the right to vote.
But the battle for the ballot, as author Winifred Conkling noted in her JLG Gold Standard book Votes for Women!: American Suffragists and the Battle for the Ballot, had started long before that fateful August morning. Over 150 years before Harry Burn muttered a nervous “aye,” American women set to work to gain suffrage. Meeting in Seneca Falls, NY in 1848, the first-ever Women’s Rights Convention was packed full of boisterous supporters. But it was another 2 years before American women officially organized to work towards national and local suffrage legislation.
Organizing a Movement
On the quiet morning of April 19, 1850 in the small town of Salem, Ohio, women from all over the state packed tightly together in a small church to discuss their rights. The rules were simple: only women could participate, and they weren’t leaving until they had agreed on a plan for their fight for the ballot. After 2 days of deliberation, the women in attendance had agreed on 22 resolutions about the legal, social, and educational rights of women. The men in attendance were shocked, having been silenced throughout the discussion. One woman who attended jokingly noted in a local paper that “never did men so suffer… For the first time in the world’s history, men learned how it felt to sit in silence when questions in which they were interested were under discussion.”
Following the 1850 Salem Convention, women of Ohio formed the first statewide suffrage organization which sparked women in other states to start their own local chapters. Within a few months, national women’s suffrage groups were formed and women all over the country began systemically working towards national and local suffrage laws.
Over a century later, that single syllable muttered by the young Tennessee legislator brought to fruition the hard work and dedication of American suffragists. In November 1920, American women voted in the presidential election for the first time. This August 18th, we celebrate 100 years of American women’s suffrage.
More Women in History
However, even outside of the 1848-1920 suffrage campaigns, women around the globe worked as brazen rebels to induce change and progress in their nations. Winifred Conkling’s story of American suffragists’ battle for the ballot is only one of many Nonfiction titles JLG has selected celebrating women and their tremendous acts in the face of uncertainty and difficulty. Look below for some recent JLG Gold Standard Nonfiction titles all about incredible women in history!
To share our excitement about this historic moment, we are doing a FLASH SALE for Nonfiction titles! Use the coupon code below to get $8 Nonfiction titles off the backlist from now until August 28th!*
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Votes for Women!: American Suffragists and the Battle for the Ballot
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