Children of the Wind

Series Daughters of the Lamp By Nedda Lewers

Hardcover edition

Publisher Penguin Random House Imprint G.P. Putnam's Sons ISBN


Children of the Wind

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Discrimination: Sexism,Language: Mild Language,Violence: General

Percy Jackson meets Arabian fairy tales in this epic middle grade fantasy series about a girl who becomes the keeper of Ali Baba's treasure — now back with a sequel!

It’s been a year since Sahara Rashad came face to face with El Ghoula. And now that she's is back in Egypt for the summer, Sahara can’t shake the feeling the evil witch is plotting her next move. Thankfully, Sahara’s BFF, Vicky, is tagging along this year and can keep her mind off the sorceress. But Vicky seems distant, and for the first time ever, Sahara is noticing cracks in their friendship.

When Sahara learns El Ghoula has attacked a family friend, she knows the witch is back to steal what she couldn’t last year—Ali Baba’s magic lamp. As the artifact’s safekeeper, Sahara must protect it at all costs. But how can she do this when El Ghoula’s wind powers know no end? Can Sahara master magic before the summer equinox, when the sorceress is said to strike again? And when her drama with Vicky reaches boiling point, can Sahara tend to her friendship while honoring her duty as treasure keeper?

Author's note.
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Fantasy/Science Fiction Middle Plus (Grades 5-8)

Fantasy/Science Fiction Middle Plus

Fantasy/Science Fiction Middle Plus (Grades 5-8)

For Grades 5-8

Your middle-school readers will thrill to new futures, fantasy realms, and alternate realities. Readers will look forward to discovering a new world monthly with the 14 books in this category.

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Chapter Books/Novels, Fiction, Graphic Novels, Reluctant Readers, Thriller/Horror/Mystery

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Other books in the series
  1. Daughters of the Lamp
    Daughters of the Lamp

    By Nedda Lewers

    Fantasy/Science Fiction Middle Plus

    February 2024


    Discrimination: Racial Insensitivity/Racism,Language: Infrequent Use,Language: Mild Language,Violence: Death,Violence: General
