Danny Constantino's First (And Maybe Last?) Date (Audiobook)

By Paul Acampora
Narrators Narrated by Michael Crouch Edition

Exclusive library edition

Publisher Penguin Random House Imprint Listening Library ISBN


Danny Constantino's First (And Maybe Last?) Date (Audiobook)

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When Danny Constantino asks his old-friend-turned-Hollywood-movie-star, Natalie Flores Griffin, to his local school dance and homecoming parade, she surprises him…by saying yes! Unfortunately, now everyone in Cuper Cove has something to say about Danny’s love life—especially since Natalie is the hometown hero. Throw in herds of TV reporters and NFG groupies, his mom using Natalie’s arrival for free publicity, and a pep rally gone horribly, horribly awry, and Danny’s left absolutely clueless in this new world of crushes and becoming (kind of) famous.
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