Desert Jungle

Series 978-1536225778 Written and illustrated by Jeannie Baker

Hardcover edition

Publisher Candlewick Imprint Candlewick ISBN


Desert Jungle

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Striking mixed-media art from the creator of Mirror lights up the Sonoran Desert, revealing—through one wary boy’s experience—a habitat that is anything but barren and desolate.

In a desert valley, surrounded by mountains of rock and cactus, is the tiny village the boy calls home. He never wanders far, frightened of coyotes and the dusty wilds beyond. On a visit to Grandpa’s ranch, he resists the invitation to explore an area where his grandfather grew up, far from any village. The boy would rather play it safe on his tablet. But one of the creatures he fears has other plans for him, and soon the vast desert “jungle” begins to share its secrets—wonders beyond imagining. Inspired by a research trip to the Sonoran Desert in Mexico, and illustrated with richly detailed and layered mixed-media collage, Jeannie Baker’s gentle family story of awakening to nature is informed by the concept of nature deficit disorder, a subject she explores in the author’s note. Her extensive afterword also illuminates the enormous biodiversity of one of the world’s most magnificent—and misunderstood—habitats.

Information about the setting. Map. Author’s note. Full-color illustrations were prepared as collage constructions, reproduced as full-color photographs. 
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