Do You Dream of Terra-Two?

By Temi Oh


Publisher Simon & Schuster Imprint Saga Press (Adult) ISBN


Awards and Honors NPR's Book Concierge - 2019
Alex Awards Winner - 2020

Do You Dream of Terra-Two?

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Language: Strong Language,Sexual Content: Strong Sexual Content/Themes,Violence: Mild Violence

Have you ever hoped you could leave everything behind?

Have you ever dreamt of a better world?

Can a dream sustain a lifetime?

A century ago, an astronomer discovered an Earth-like planet orbiting a nearby star. She predicted that one day, humans would travel there to build a utopia. Today, ten astronauts are leaving everything behind to find it. Four are veterans of the twentieth century’s space-race. And six are teenagers who’ve trained for this mission most of their lives. It will take the team twenty-three years to reach Terra-Two. Twenty-three years locked in close quarters. Twenty-three years with no one to rely on but each other. Twenty-three years with no rescue possible, should something go wrong. And something always goes wrong.
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