Force of Nature: A Novel of Rachel Carson

By Ann E. Burg
Illustrators Illustrated by Sophie Blackall Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Scholastic Imprint Scholastic Press ISBN


Force of Nature: A Novel of Rachel Carson

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A beautiful and hopeful story of how a young impassioned naturalist grows up to change the world. For everyone who cares about our fragile planet.

Rachel was a girl who loved

science and the sea

books and writing

and all the creatures of the world.

Rachel was quiet,

a listener by nature.

But when she saw problems,

she could not remain silent.

Some people thought

girls shouldn’t be scientists or writers.

They thought girls

shouldn’t use their voices

to question or challenge

even to protect

all the creatures of the world.

Luckily Rachel didn’t listen

to them.

Author's note. Artist's note. Books by Rachel Carson. Black-and-white illustrations were drawn in Procreate, using a
digital 6B pencil, brushes, and gouache.
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