Grassis a powerful antiwar graphic novel, telling the life story of a Korean girl named Okseon Lee who was forced into sexual slavery for the Japanese Imperial Army during the Second World War—a disputed capter in twentieth-century Asian history.
Beginning in Lee's childhood, Grass shows the lead-up to the war from a child's vulnerable perspective, detailing how one experienced the Japanese occupation and the widespread suffering it entailed for ordinary Koreans. Keum Suk Gendry-Kim emphasizes Lee's strength in overcoming the many forms of adversity she experienced. Grass is painted in a black ink that flows with lavish details of the beautiful fields and farmland of Korea and uses heavy brushwork on the somber interiors of Lee's memories.
The cartoonist Gendry-Kim's interviews with Lee become an integral part of Grass, forming the heart and architechture of this powerful nonfiction graphic novel and offering a holistic view of how Lee's wartime suffering changed her. Grass is a landmark graphic novel that makes personal the desparate cost of war and the importance of peace.
Book-length narratives presented in comic book style, graphic novels foster both visual and verbal comprehension skills while exposing readers to interesting dialogue and satire, as well as affirming diversity. These unique books, some of them only published in softcover, are ideal for attracting reluctant readers and introducing them to literature they might not encounter otherwise. You may find that the 14 books in this category will turn your reluctant readers into eager readers.
14 books per Year
$302.40 per Year
Diversity, Fiction, High Interest/Reluctant Reader, Nonfiction, Struggling Readers, Novels