Home in the Woods

Written and illustrated by Eliza Wheeler

Hardcover edition

Publisher Penguin Random House Imprint Nancy Paulsen ISBN


Awards and Honors Booklist Top of the List - 2019
NPR’s Book Concierge - 2019

Home in the Woods

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Eliza Wheeler’s gorgeously illustrated book tells the story of what happens when six-year-old Marvel, her seven siblings, and their mom must start all over again after their father has died. Deep in the woods of Wisconsin, they find a tar-paper shack. It doesn’t seem like much of a home, but they soon start seeing what it could be. During their first year, it’s a struggle to maintain the shack and make sure they have enough to eat. But each season also brings its own delights and blessings—and the children always find a way to have fun. Most importantly, the family finds immense joy in being together, surrounded by nature. And slowly, their little shack starts feeling like a true home—warm, bright, and filled up with love.

Author’s note. Full-color illustrations created with dip pens, India ink, and watercolors.
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