In the Red (Audiobook)

By Christopher Swiedler
Narrators Narrated by Josh Hurley Edition

Exclusive library edition

Publisher HarperCollins Imprint HarperAudio ISBN


In the Red (Audiobook)

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Hatchet meets The Martian in this thrilling middle grade survival story about two friends stranded on Mars with only their space suits and their wits to keep them alive.

Michael Prasad knows he shouldn’t go out on the Mars surface unsupervised. It’s dangerous. His parents have forbidden it. And the panic attacks he experiences almost every time he puts on a space suit make it nearly impossible for him to leave the safety of the colony. But when his best friend, Lilith, suggests they sneak out one night, he can’t resist the chance to prove everyone—including himself—wrong.

As the two cruise along the Mars surface in a stolen rover, miles from the colony, a massive solar flare hits the planet, knocking out power, communication and navigation systems, and the magnetic field that protects the planet from the sun’s deadly radiation. Stranded hours from home with an already limited supply of food, water, and air, Michael and Lilith must risk everything if they’re to get back to the colony alive.
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