Rollin' on Down the Line: Lady Bird Johnson's 1964 Whistle-Stop Tour for Civil Rights

By Helen Kampion, Reneé Critcher Lyons
Illustrators Illustrated by Erin McGuire Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Cherry Lake Publishing Imprint Sleeping Bear Press ISBN


Rollin' on Down the Line: Lady Bird Johnson's 1964 Whistle-Stop Tour for Civil Rights

The late summer and early fall of 1964 was a turbulent time in America. After years of racial struggle, in July President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. This law, declaring that all citizens were equal, outlawed racial segregation. Many Americans cheered this legislation; yet some did not. Many Southerners despised it and worried about what it meant for their traditions and way of life. With the upcoming November presidential election, President Johnson was advised not to campaign in the South due to the threats of violence since the signing of the new law. But someone needed to visit the citizens in the South and explain why the new law was necessary and good for the entire country. Born in Texas, First Lady Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson was from the South and understood its people and customs. Despite her fear of public speaking and threats to her own safety, Lady Bird undertook a train tour to reach out to her fellow citizens and Southerners. This is the true story of her historic Whistle-Stop journey, making almost fifty stops through eight Southern states in four days. July 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.
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