Rosy Cole’s Memoir Explosion: A Heartbreaking Story about Losing Friends, Annoying Family, and Ruining Romance

By Sheila Greenwald
Publisher Farrar Straus Giroux Imprint Farrar, Straus and Giroux ISBN


Rosy Cole’s Memoir Explosion: A Heartbreaking Story about Losing Friends, Annoying Family, and Ruining Romance

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When Rosy is told to write about the most interesting person in her family, the choice is clear: herself! With a book called Write Your Life as her guide, Rosy learns that every successful memoir needs Overcoming Obstacles, Romantic Relationships, Family Feuds-and that's just for starters. Not much has happened in Rosy's life yet, but when she fills her memoir with unflattering stories about her friends, the heartache that results might be enough to fill a book. Black-and-white art.
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