Sort of Super

Written and illustrated by Eric Gapstur

Hardcover edition

Publisher Simon & Schuster Imprint Aladdin ISBN


Sort of Super

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Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova meets the HiLo series in this first book in a funny, lighthearted new middle grade graphic novel series about a boy struggling with new superpowers—and middle school.

Eleven-year-old Wyatt Flynn had something amazing happen to him: he got superpowers! Good ones too, like super-flight, super-strength, and super-speed. The only problem? Wyatt got his superpowers totally by mistake, and his dad—who’s been overprotective since Wyatt’s mom disappeared—thinks he’s too young for them and worries what would happen if everyone found out. So he makes Wyatt hide his powers.

Keeping such a huge secret from his best friends Beto and Nara is bad enough, but not being able to use his new abilities to defend them from the biggest bully at school makes Wyatt feel useless and frustrated. But his little sister thinks the good his powers could do is more important than following Dad’s rules. Slowly, the two of them become a dynamic crime-fighting duo right under their dad’s nose.

Lying to his dad isn’t much easier than lying to his friends. But Wyatt might be able to make a real difference in the community…and maybe even find Mom. That makes it all worth it—right?

Full-color illustrations were rendered in ink and colored digitally.
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Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

For Grades 3-6

The 14 books in this category are kid-friendly, age-appropriate fiction and nonfiction titles featuring sequential art and text designed to attract avid and reluctant readers alike.

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