The Adventures of Invisible Boy

Written and illustrated by Doogie Horner

Hardcover edition

Publisher Penguin Random House Imprint G.P. Putnam's Sons ISBN


The Adventures of Invisible Boy

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In this hilarious debut middle grade graphic novel, when an impossible wish comes true, a wild adventure begins!

"Can't be missed!"
—Max Brallier, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Last Kids on Earth

Think your wildest wish can’t come true? Just wait!

It’s his first day at a new school, and Stanley wishes he could disappear. He can hardly believe it when, after a big spill at the science fair, POOF! Stanley is invisible! It’s awesome! He can do anything he wants, and no one will know!

But Stanley isn’t the only one who turned invisible. The inventor of the potion is not happy about the accident and takes his anger out on kids all over town.

Stanley wants to use his power for good . . . which means going up against the one person who can make him visible again.

Get ready for a battle of the ages.

Full-color illustrations.
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Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus

Graphic Novels Elementary Plus (Grades 3-6)

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The 14 books in this category are kid-friendly, age-appropriate fiction and nonfiction titles featuring sequential art and text designed to attract avid and reluctant readers alike.

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