The Best MLB Outfielders of All Time

Series Major League Baseball’s Best Ever By Bo Smolka

Library edition

Publisher ABDO Publishing Imprint SportsZONE ISBN


The Best MLB Outfielders of All Time

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“Great outfielders prove that baseball is not just about hitting home runs. Amazing defense can be just as exciting.” Baseball fans will pore over this handsome introduction to fourteen of the sport’s top outfielders, from 1914 Red Sox center fielder Tris Speaker to the Seattle Mariners’ Ichiro Suzuki, who won ten straight Gold Gloves from 2001 to 2010. Engaging prose and dynamic photographs bring the players’ game-changing catches to life. Quotes from contemporaries add extra color—for example, according to longtime broadcaster Vin Scully, Roberto Clemente “could field the ball in New York and throw out a guy in Pennsylvania.” Text boxes containing player statistics and fascinating facts round out each chapter. Back matter includes a list of “Honorable Mentions,” a glossary, suggestions for further reading, a link to publisher-selected Web sites, and an index.
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