The Real Deal

By Lindsey Stoddard

Hardcover edition

Publisher HarperCollins Imprint HarperCollins ISBN


The Real Deal

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Discrimination: Ableism,Language: Mild Language

In this charming stand-alone from the beloved author of Just Like Jackie and Brave Like That, two best friends tackle bullying and discover the danger and power of secrets.

Not every friendship can be the real deal, but for Gabe and Oliver, that’s never been a question.

Until now. Things still feel the same on the surface, but lately Oliver’s acting like he might be hiding something. Gabe can’t imagine what Oliver wouldn’t be able to share with him; after all, they’ve been best friends since preschool.

And then there’s Reuben, the new boy who just moved to town. He doesn’t talk—not ever. The other kids come up with mean ideas about why he’s silent and call him names behind his back. Gabe knows it isn’t right—but he and Oliver stay quiet, or worse, laugh along with the others just to keep from standing out.

Gabe wants to find his voice and defend Reuben. Can he follow his gut and stand up for the new kid in class? And if he does that—can he still hold onto his best friend, too?

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