The Seventh Direction: A Legend of Creation

By Kevin Locke
Illustrators Illustrated by Kristy Cameron Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher Medicine Wheel Publishing Imprint Medicine Wheel Publishing ISBN


The Seventh Direction: A Legend of Creation

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In this enlightening legend shared by Lakota Elder Kevin Locke, Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka (The Great Spirit) created the entire world in seven days; leaving the most precious creation for last.

In order to protect this precious creation, Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka needed to hide it where it would always be safe and turned to our animal relatives for help.

Together, they found the perfect place. Do you know where they chose?

Author Kevin Locke is Lakota (from the Hunkpapa Band of Lakota Sioux) and Anishinabe. His Lakota name is Tȟokéya Inážiŋ, meaning “First to Arise.” Kevin has been a cultural ambassador for the United States, and he has performed for millions of people across the globe in more than 90 countries as a Hoop Dancer, Indigenous Northern Plains Flutist, and traditional storyteller.

Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives, creating a platform for stories that celebrate Indigenous cultures and inspire understanding and respect among readers of all ages.

"Lakota Language Words." "The Seven Directions." Full-color illustrations.
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