Through a Clouded Mirror

By Miya T. Beck

Hardcover edition

Publisher HarperCollins Imprint Balzer + Bray ISBN


Through a Clouded Mirror

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Inspired by The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and set in a magical imperial Japan, this is a breathtaking fantasy adventure from the acclaimed author of The Pearl Hunter.

“I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”—Alice

Yuki Snow wishes she were anywhere but here.

She hates Santa Dolores, where her mom and stepdad just moved the family. Her BFF back home, Julio, has already forgotten his promise to stay in touch—and worse, he like likes Yuki’s mortal enemy. At her new school, the kids think she’s either invisible or a know-it-all nerd.

The only friend she’s made so far is the shopkeeper at a Japanese antiques store. Among the treasures there is an ancient brass mirror supposedly once owned by celebrated Japanese writer Sei Shonagon. It’s also rumored to be a portal to Shonagon’s world, which opens every hundred years. So when a woman with long, jet-black hair and flowing silk robes appears in the glass, beckoning, Yuki knows there’s only one thing to do—step through to the unknown….

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