Urban Coyotes

Series Scientists in the Field By Mary Kay Carson
Illustrators Illustrated by Tom Uhlman Edition

Hardcover edition

Publisher HarperCollins Imprint Clarion ISBN


Urban Coyotes

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A new addition to the acclaimed Scientists in the Field series, Urban Coyotes follows the scientists of the Urban Coyote Research Project as they track, study, and care for coyotes living among humans in one of America's largest cities, Chicago.

But that’s the thing about coyotes. They don’t necessarily do what’s typical or usual or what’s expected or predicted. Coyotes are rule breakers.

The fourth-largest metropolitan area in North America is home to more than nine million people and a surprisingly large population of coyotes. Join the wildlife scientists of the Urban Coyote Research Project as they carry on their twenty-five-year mission: studying the coyotes of Cook County, Illinois, home to the city of Chicago. Explore questions such as, Where did the coyotes come from—and why? Are they a danger to Chicagoans? and Do predators create healthier urban ecosystems? with real-life scientists in the field. Started by urban ecologist Stan Gehrt in the late 1990s when coyotes were first noticed entering the Chicago region, the Urban Coyote Research Project's mission is to help coyotes and human city-dwellers live together in peace.

With stunning up-close photography by Tom Uhlman, author Mary Kay Carson offers an in-depth look into how these mystifying wild creatures, and those dedicated to studying and protecting them, navigate urban spaces.

Glossary. Suggested resources. Sources and selected bibliography. Index. Map. Full-color photographs.
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