Google Glass and Robotics Innovator Sebastian Thrun

Series STEM Trailblazer Bios By Marne Ventura

Library edition

Publisher Lerner Imprint Lerner ISBN


Google Glass and Robotics Innovator Sebastian Thrun

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According to innovator Sebastian Thrun, “Robots are beginning to make an impact on more than industry and science. They’re beginning to make an impact on our everyday lives.” Thrun has been at the forefront of some exciting technological developments, including Google’s self-driving car and Google Glass. Thrun’s early years and education in Germany and the U.S. are described, from creating his own video game at twelve years old to studying artificial intelligence and computer science as a university and graduate student. His research projects are discussed in accessible language, and occasional “Tech Talk” boxes include quotes from Thrun about his inspirations. Readers will be fascinated by details such as the Nursebot that can open a refrigerator door and use a microwave, and the self-driving car’s ability to negotiate even the curviest San Francisco street. Full-color photographs concentrate on Thrun, his inventions, and noteworthy research locations. Back matter includes a time line, glossary, source notes, suggestions for further reading, and an index.
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